Sunday, April 25, 2004

Yesterday was a blur of leftover scones, carry-out lattes, and Mexican-restaurant food, so let's skip it and get back on track with today's cookout...

Fajita chicken (see 3/26--I doubled the marinade recipe this time and used one cut-up chicken plus several extra legs)
Quick foil-packet potatoes
Green salad with vinaigrette

3 medium russet potatoes
olive oil
onion powder
garlic powder
dried oregano
salt and freshly-ground black pepper

Slice potatoes into 1/4-inch-thick rounds. In a double-walled foil packet, combine the potato slices with a good drizzle of olive oil and a couple of shakes of each of the seasonings, then seal tightly. Grill over hot coals until tender and a little bit browned, turning halfway through cooking time.

Several handfuls of red, speckled, and green leaf lettuces, torn into bite-sized pieces
1/2 c. baby mache and spinach leaves
1/2 c. small tender arugula leaves
a few leaves of lemon balm, julienned
1 medium tomato, cut into eight wedges
1 medium carrot, cut into shavings with a peeler
1 1/2 Tbs. vegetable oil
3 to 4 tsp. red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. sugar
salt and freshly-ground black pepper to taste

Wash and chill the greens.
Combine the greens with the tomato and carrot in a large bowl. Add the oil, vinegar, and seasonings, and toss with salad utensils or clean hands until ingredients are very well mixed.


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